A Peaceful Solution

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A little about margaret

   I have enjoyed working as a Licensed Massage Therapist in upscales salons in Florida, and maintaining a private massage therapy practice since 1992. I perform several different types of Massages,including,Swedish,DeepTissue, Pregnancy,and Infant Massage.

  I am trained in Reike(master), tarot card reading, cell work and I have been developing my own spirituality energy for the past 40 years. I enjoy assisting people with developing their own energy and healing as a spiritual coach. I held a healing circle in my house for two years.  My grandfather and I would sit and talk about healings and card reading. He shared with me how healings been around in our family, his grandma would do healings for the farmers. He shared with me how he could touch a person an saw what was wrong. He also read deck of cards yet he could not share all these gifts with people.  I been given a vision I am to spread the words of peace. How to become peaceful in your heart. I am working on this vision as we speak. I am going to be doing a radio talk show soon. Sharing ways to heal. I do healings over the phone privately. I will be doing the work that is guide for that person an can be different everytime. If you are guide to donate one can do so.    

In 1999, I started to volunteered at Holy Cross Hospital assisting with feeding and bathing of the newborns in the nursery.I enjoyed this so much I decided to turn this into a career as a Doula and a Childbirht/breastfeeding educator in 2004. For the next 2.5 years, I worked for a non-forprofit agency called love thy labor, that provided doula sesrvices to low income,first-time mother's, meaning teaching these mothers about the birth process including signd of labor, timing contractions,comfort measures during labor and assistiong with breastfeeding and newborn care after the babies were born. I find this work very gratifying and hope to continue to provide support and care to mothers to be.

 I also enjoy using and selling aroma therapy oils. I found that oils can help with healing and be good for the well beings.

  I am on this journey to travel across the country. I am being guided by my spirit to go out to meet people across the world.  Blessings to you all.

What is a Doula/Massage in labor?

The Word "Doula" is an ancient greek word which means- A woman who mothers the mother. A Doula will stay with a laboring woman throughout her entire labor and birth experience.                                                                

 A Doula provides one on one emotional support for pregnant mothers. Before during her labor & birth.

A Doula provides physical & comfort measures for  the mother to be and partner. Such as massage, birthball, & position changes. 

One can schedule a session with me by texting or reaching out on my email address. 

Session start out $75.00 per hr.


Trust, faith,and believe

Blessings too all.

Can contact me at




I'm also selling young living oils, home made soaps.






Margaret blomgren/ Facebook.


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What is Spiritual coach and Reike Master?

 What is a Spiritual Coach, this is a person who supports you and guide you down your spiritual path. Why do you need one? It is to teach what forms of energy are out their and assisted you in finding the ones that are yours,plus help to awaken them. To assist you in finding a new way to look at life.

What is Reike? Reike is a univesral energy. It is use to heal the body, mine  and,spirit. It can bring a very good loving energy to your life. Helps with healing. It has been for me a very positive and loving experience every time I call this energy. It has also help me into my new energies and healing. I have seen and felt reike bring love and joy to people.

What are the benefits of a session?

* Assistance with changing a pattern in your       life.

* Facilitates transition through emotional support and physical nurturing

* Tools are taught to continue the growth.

* Reike brings strength.

*Brings healing and peaceful feelings

* Spiritual coach brings much need support

* Doula brings support to mom while in labor